Do New Home Builder Incentives Actually Save You Money?

Giveaways, freebies, discounts, free upgrades, and prepaid costs – the list of incentives offered to buyers by new home builders is endless. These incentives can save you money and are one of the main reasons buyers often choose to buy a new construction home over a resale.
However, some incentives may seem like a great deal at first glance, but you will later find out that they come with a catch. Buying a new construction home is a very important financial decision. Therefore, it’s vital that you properly assess the value of any incentives being offered to you as part of a sale.
Read on to learn more about new home builders' incentives and how to assess their actual value in your new construction home purchase.
Types of New Home Builder Incentives
Some of the incentives new home builders offer to sweeten the deal for home buyers include:
- Free upgrades and options
- Gifts and giveaways
- Concessions for using the builders’ lender
- Prepaid costs
These Sound Great, So What’s the Catch?
These incentives are enticing; some may save you money, but others may not. Let’s take a closer look at the different incentives that new home builders offer and how they may or may not benefit you.
Free Upgrades and Options

One of the main perks of buying a new construction home over a resale is that you can personalize your new home by selecting upgrades and customization options. On average, new home buyers spend 10 percent of their purchase price on these upgrades and options.
Getting them free can provide significant savings, but they often come with terms and conditions. To be eligible for these free upgrades and options, a new home builder may require that you:
- Make an offer and buy immediately
- Make a non-refundable deposit
- Use only the builder’s lender or agent
It’s important not to feel pressured into making a quick decision just to take advantage of the free upgrades and options. Unless you’re looking at the last home available in the community or plan, chances are good that the deal will still be available later. So take your time to decide if this is truly the right home for you and your family, regardless of the freebies offered.
Gifts and Giveaways
From free TVs and entertainment systems to cars and luxury vacations, new home builders offer all kinds of gifts to entice buyers. If your decision to buy a new home is influenced by these tactics, you may need to consider whether or not you truly love the home you’re about to buy.
In addition, the value of these giveaways is often not as high as it may appear. Free cars are usually offered on lease terms and must be returned at the end of the lease period. Electronics, such as TVs, depreciate in value quickly, and therefore, you may be better off shopping for a good deal on your own.
Concessions for Using the Builders’ Lender
Many builders require that you get prequalified through their lender if you want to buy a home from them. While there’s no harm in doing that, don’t be fooled into believing prequalification with a lender means you have to borrow from that lender as well.
The builder may claim that their lender will offer you lower interest rates, better terms, and faster closing periods than others; however, you do not know if this is true until you do your own research. Just a one percent difference in interest rates can cost you thousands of dollars over the life of your loan. Be sure to shop around and compare the rates and terms of several lenders before choosing one.
Jome is giving new construction home buyers an innovative way to shop around for a mortgage with their pre-approval tool. Getting pre-approved through our website gives you access to Morty’s mortgage marketplace, which allows you to compare a range of mortgage rates and loan options from many lenders.
Prepaid Costs

A builder may offer to prepay your closing costs, property taxes, or homeowner association fees to sweeten the deal on your new home purchase. While this may sound like free money, it’s not that simple. Remember, a new home builder is in business to make a profit, and giving things away for free will not likely help them make money.
In many cases, when a builder offers incentives such as prepaid costs, they have inflated the home's sales price to cover the cost of these so-called “freebies.” Instead of saving you money, these actually cost you more in the long run since you end up financing them through your home mortgage as part of the final sales price, and therefore, you end up paying interest on them.
So, How Do I Ensure I’m Getting a Great Deal on My New Home Purchase?
The housing market is highly competitive, and new home builders are competing with other builders and sellers in the resale market. While some incentives do come with terms and conditions, many of them can actually save you money. Becoming an informed homebuyer who can make confident and educated decisions is key to your success. Here are some tips to help you get a great deal on the home you love.
Read the Fine Print
Now that you’re aware that those freebies that catch your eye may actually come with a catch, it goes without saying that you should always read the fine print before making any decisions. Make sure you understand all the terms and conditions associated with an incentive being offered to you and don’t be afraid to ask questions if you don’t understand all the details.
Don’t Make Hasty Decisions
Take time to carefully think about any decision you make regarding your new construction home purchase. Don’t feel pressured to sign a contract or buy immediately to take advantage of a discount or incentive. After seeing a home you like, it’s always a good idea to take at least a few days to think about whether the home is right for you and your family, regardless of any incentives being offered, before making a final decision.
Assess the True Value of All Incentives
Once you understand the terms and conditions associated with an incentive, you need to do your research to assess their true value. This may involve shopping around to compare mortgage rates, determining the dollar value of any prepaid costs being offered to you, and researching other new construction homes and communities to compare your options.
Use Your Own Agent

The salesperson you meet when you visit a new construction home or community is likely to be highly knowledgeable about the homes and neighborhoods in which they are selling. While they can provide you with a lot of helpful information, it’s vital to remember that they represent the builder only. They are being paid a commission to sell only the new construction homes within that community. Therefore, they are not necessarily interested in finding the best home and community for you.
When making a decision as important as purchasing a new home, you need a qualified professional to represent you and your interests. NewHomesMate’s agents are here to represent you and only you. They have in-depth knowledge of their local areas, good relationships with local builders, and expertise in the new construction housing market.
They will help you find a home you love and assist with reading the fine print of your contracts, understanding terms and conditions, and assessing the actual value of all incentives you are offered. With our new home experts on your side, you can be sure that you’ll have the advice and guidance you need to find the right home for you and your family while getting the best terms and options available on your purchase.
Allow Jome to Help You With Your New Construction Home Purchase!
No matter where you are in your journey towards buying a new construction home, Jome is here to lead the way. On our platform, you can search for and tour thousands of new construction homes and communities in your area.
Our experts are ready to guide you through every step of the home buying process and will provide expert advice to guarantee you get a great deal on a new construction home that you love.
Start searching with us today!